As a candidate for City Council it is my intent to accurately and effectively represent the citizens of Scotts Valley. In order to do this I need regular input from community members to help me better understand the challenges they face and the dreams they have for the future of our city.
If you would like to get involved with my campaign and help me in the journey to City Council please fill out a contact form and I will be in touch. For specific ideas of ways that you can help please see the list below:
Walk door-to-door in your neighborhood and hand out campaign flyers
Wear a “Krista Jett for City Council” t-shirt to a community event such as the farmers market or your child’s soccer game
Donate $50-$100 for the purchase of flyers or other campaign materials
Host a Meet & Greet at your home or a local park and invite your friends to take the opportunity to express their concerns to me
Put one of my signs in your yard
Make a social media post on my behalf
I appreciate every bit of support and encourage you to reach out if you have any ideas to share or simply want to say hello :)